V.H. Apelian's Blog

V.H. Apelian's Blog

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

They were and are no more: Kessabtsis in Rostom Gomideh

Vahe H. Apelian

They were Kessabtsi compatriots who were members of the ARF Rosdom Gomideh in Los Angeles.

In 2007, on the occasion of celebrating the February uprising, the ARF Rosdom Gomideh of Los Angeles, honored the ungers who had served in the ranks for fifty plus years.  The Gomideh in turn, in the valley section of greater Los Angeles, celebrated the 50th anniversary of its founding. 

The honorees were indicted in the ARF ranks even before the Rosdom Gomideh they belonged to was founded.  Among them was father who was the most senior member. He was bedridden in the nursing home but did not want to miss the occasion. I had to make special arrangements for medical transportation and an attendant for the nursing home to let him out, having assured his safety. I flew from Cincinnati to accompany him. The attached picture depicts him and I attending the occasion. He passed away a few months after that on July 27. That was my last picture with him.


The gomideh had issued a booklet celebrating the honorees. A good number of the honorees turned out to be Kessabtsis. They all have since passed away. Each had jotted down his remembrance joining the ARF ranks, who had witnessed the induction into the ranks, and who was the ARF leader who had influenced each the most.  

Regrettably I do not have a copy of the booklet to have a complete list of the honorees of that evening. But I had copied the Kessabtsi honorees. Attached are who they were and what each wrote.

Unger HOVHANNES APELIAN, my father (62 years in the ranks)

Had joined the ranks in 1945 in Beirut, witnessed by Unger Vahan Papazian.

He had assumed various responsibilities including khmpabed (group repesentative). Unger Simon Vratsian had been a member of his group

Unger Tro Ganayan was the leader who had influenced him the most. For a while they resided in the same building and dealt with each other.

Unger HAYGAZOUN TERTERIAN (57 years in the ranks)

Joined the ranks during 1950 in Kessab, witnessed by unger Paul Churukian.

He had assumed various responsibilities.

Unger Trasdamad Ganayan (Tro) was the leader who had influenced him most.


Unger GABRIEL INJEJIKIAN (57 years in the ranks)

(The pioneer of Armenian day school in the U.S.)

Had joined the ranks during 1947 in Kessab witnessed by Unger Hratch Papazian.

He had assumed various responsibilities and had chaired the ARF Zavarian Student Association.

Unger Roupen DerMinassian was the leader who had influenced him most, having met the one-time defense minister of the first republic of Armenia in Kessab during several summers.

Unger VARTKES TERTERIAN (55 years in the ranks)

Had joined the ranks during 1952 in Beirut, witnessed by Unger Trasdamad Ganayan (Tro).

He had assumed various responsibilities.

Ungers Tro, Shavarsh Missakian, Vahan Navasartian were the leaders who had influenced him the most.


Unger MESROB CHELEBIAN (60 years in the ranks)

Had joined the ranks during 1947 in Beirut, witnessed by unger Vahan Papazian.

He had assumed various responsibilities including khmpabed (group repesentative). 

Unger Roupen DerMinassian had been the leader who had influenced him the most.

Unger ARMEN HOVSEPIAN (56 years in the ranks)

Had joined the ranks during 1951 in Beirut, witnessed by unger Yetvart Daronian.

He had assumed various responsibilities including khmpabed (group leader).

Unger Simon Vratsian had been the leader who had influenced him the most. Both had lived in the same neighborhood and met each other often.



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