V.H. Apelian's Blog

V.H. Apelian's Blog

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Bouquet of Flowers: A dunciad of redundancies

 Jirair Tutunjian

The attached was provided to me by Jirair Tutunjian, the longstanding member of the Keghar.com on line journal's editorial board.. It is a list of redundancies we often use, such as “sum total”, “deliberate lie”, when “sum” and “lie” unmistakably convey the message. Vahe H Apelian 

Bouquet of flowers      Divided by partition    Whether or not    Contributing Factor       Sum Total

Deliberate lie                 Hidden pitfall                False pretense      Armed gunman             Electrical voltage

Missing gaps                  Advance warning         Advance notice     Advance reservation    Preplan/prewar

Project ahead                Projected forecast       Convicted felon     Past overdue                 Overused clichés

Pathological disease     Monetary fine              Self confessed        Tough challenge           Unsolved problem

General public                Original founder          Originally created   Innocent bystander    Singing duet

Famous celebrity          Disappear from View   Fall down/hoist up/build up/pile up/rise up/stand up/

Kneel down/pare down/dwindle down/trickle down/pour down/sit down/melt down, etc.

Full stop                           Follow after                Recurring motif/recurring pattern/restate again

Advance forward            Weave in and out/Interweave                   Subtle nuance               Patently clear

Readily apparent             In between                   Cover over/skip over/spill over/flood over

Recede back/recoil back/reflect back/reply back/return back/respond back/revert back/trace back, etc.

Quick dash                          Circulate around/orbit around/rotate around/skirt around/spin in circles

Inadvertent error              Never before/Never ever         Mass   epidemic     Mass exodus

Easter Sunday (Easter is on Sunday)        Holy Bible (this is holier than the garden variety Bible)

Close proximity                   Safe sanctuary           Future prospects       Future plans   Matinee performance

While at the same time     Undisclosed Secret Location   Immediately adjoining   Time schedule

Immediately adjoining       Today’s soup du jour   With au jus    Up in the sky/down in the basement

Out in the open/up in the attic     Duplicate copies   Alternative choice   Each and every/mix and mingle

Optimize and maximize/over and above/various and sundry/yell and scream

May potentially,   maybe, maybe not    Might possibly    Approximately around   Doubly

Estimated at about    necessary prerequisite   Sufficient enough   End product/end result   Track record

Component part    They both agreed   Two-way conversation/interactive dialogue   Pair of twins

Mirror image/exact duplicate   Flower boutonniere   Joint partnership/joint agreement   coequal

 Christian church/Jewish synagogue/Jewish rabbi/Christian priest      Cash money

Mutual co-operation   Add together/Assemble together/Blend together/bond together/bundle together

Cluster together/cohabit together/collaborate together/combine together/Congregate together

Connect together/Co-operate together/Link together/Merge together/Mesh together/Mingle together

Added bonus/Added perk/Extra bonus        Free gift    Unadultrated fact or truth   Carefully scrutinize

Unsubstantiated allegation/Alleged suspect/Unproven allegation    Divided by partition

Whether or not     Disintegrate into pieces   Commute back and forth/seesaw up and down/

Shuttle back and forth/vacillate back and forth     Sworn Affidavit     So consequently/hence/therefore

Auction sale   Endorse the back (Banking rule: to endorse means to sign on the back)

Farewell swan song Final outcome     Clinging vine    Up until       Left over surplus       lead pencil

ABM missile    ATM machine   SIN number   VIN number    PIN number       PC computer     OPEC nations  

LCD display      URL address      DMZ zone      CNN network     ISBN number       HIV virus   SAM missile 

DC current       CD ROM disk      DOS operating system      UPC code      DVD disk    Mental   telepathy

Leak out    Loan out    Filter out     Inflammable     Foreign import     knots per hour    period of time

Rate of speed      Audible to the ear      Appreciate in value      Few in number     Soft to the touch

Square in shape    Stunted in growth       Visible to the eye    Worth of merit    Orbiting satellite

Different varieties     Fleeting instant       Fleeting moment     Natural instinct      Natural herbs

Penetrate into /Protrude out/Probe into/Radiate out/Spread out/Stretch out

Foot pedal    Old adage/cliché/maxim/proverb/relic       Ancient fossil/proverb   Glowing ember

Temporary loan       Photosensitive to light     Soothing balm      Sudden impulse /Sudden urge

Sudden whim /Sudden crisis      Spur-of-the moment impulse       Successfully pass    Surprise upset

FINAL END  (that’s the one after many endings)

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