V.H. Apelian's Blog

V.H. Apelian's Blog

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Gettysburg Address - Աբրահամ Լինքոլնի կէթիսպըրկի Ուղերձը

Vahe H Apelian

 Today, on July 3, 1863, Union forces turned the tide of the American Civil War with their victory at the Battle of Gettysburg.  The battle of Gettysburg, rightfully or not, reminds me of the Armenian Sardarabad Battle. 

Armenian forces before the Battle of Sardarabad
հայ զորքը Սարտարապատի Պատերազմին նախօրեակին

On November 19, 1863 president Lincoln gave his address at Gattysburg battle scene. Historians claim that despite widely-circulated stories to the contrary, the president did not dash off a copy aboard a train to Gettysburg. Lincoln carefully prepared his major speeches in advance; his steady, even script in every manuscript is consistent with a firm writing surface, not the notoriously bumpy Civil War-era trains. 

Two years later, I quote, “On June 1, 1865, Senator Charles Sumner referred to the most famous speech ever given by President Abraham Lincoln. In his eulogy on the slain president, he called the Gettysburg Address a "monumental act." He said Lincoln was mistaken that "the world will little note, nor long remember what we say here. Rather…the world noted what he said, and will never cease to remember it. The battle itself was less important than the speech."

Attached is my translation of president Lincoln's famed speech.

 Աբրահամ Լինքոլնի Կէթսպըրկի Ուղերձը կարելի է արտասանել Սարտարապատի Ճակատամարտը խորհրդնշող տօնակատարութեան։  Կցած եմ ուղերձին թարգմանութիւնս։ Սրբագրութիւնը կը պարտիմ երբեմնի ուսուցչիս Արմենակ Եղիայեանին։


«Չորս քսանամեակներ և եօթը տարիներ առաջ մեր հայրերը այս ցամաքամասին վրայ յառաջացուցին նոր ազգ մը բեղմնաւորուած Ազատութեան մեջ և նուիրուած այն առաջադրութեան որ բոլոր մարդիկ ստեղծուած են հաւասար։

Այժմ մենք բոնկուած ենք քաղաքացիական մեծ պատերազմի մը,  փորձարկելու որ արդիո՞ք այդ ազգը, կամ որեւէ ազգ՝ այդպէս բեղմնաւորուած և այդպէս առաջադրուած կրնայ երկար տոկալ: Մենք կը հանդիպինք այդ մեծ պատերազմին մարտադաշտին վրայ: Մենք եկած ենք նուիրելու այդ մարտադաշտին մէկ մասը որպէս վերջին հանգստավայրը անոնց որոնք այստեղ իրենց կեանքերը նուիրեցին որպէսզի այդ ազգը կարողանայ գոյատեւել: Բոլորովին տեղին և պատշաճ է որ մենք այս ընենք:

Բայց աւելի խոր իմաստով՝ մենք չենք կրնար նուիրագործել - չենք կրնար սրբադասել - չենք կրնար սրբացնել այս հողը: Կենդանի և մեռած խիզախ մարդիկ որոնք պայքարեցան այստեղ, արդէն սրբացուցած են այն շատ աւելի բարձր քան մեր աղքատ ոյժը կարողանայ աւելցնել կամ նուազեցնել:

Աշխարհը քիչ ուշադրութիւն պիտի դարձնէ եւ ոչ ալ երկար ժամանակ պիտի յիշէ թե մենք ինչ կ՚ըսենք հոս, բայց երբեք պիտի չի կարողանայ մոռանալ այն ինչ որ ըրին այստեղ: Ընդհակառակը` մենք ողջերս ենք որ պէտք է նուիրուինք այստեղ ամբողջացնելու իրենց անաւարտ գործը, որուն համար անոնք մաքարեցան հոս եւ ազնիւօրեն առաջ մղեցին:

Աւելի շատ մեզի համար է որ հոս ըլլանք նուիրուած մեր առաջ մնացած մեծ գործին – այստեղի պատուելի մեռելներէն մենք նուիրում  ստանանք այն դատին՝ որուն համար անոնք տուին իրենց նուիրումին վերջին ամբողջական չափը – որ մենք՝  մեծապէս ուխտենք որ այդ մեռնողները ի իզուր մեռած չըլլան - որ այս ազգը, Աստծոյ ներքեւ ունենայ ազատութեան նոր ծնունդ մը  - եւ որ ժողովուրդին կառավարութիւնը, ժողովուրդին կողմէ, ժողովուրդին համար չի ջնջուի այս աշխարհէն:» 

Աբրահամ Լինքոլն

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Remembering Rev. Ralph Wolford

No true forgiveness without repentance

Vahe H Apelian

Today I read an article in NY Times titled “Sometimes forgiveness is overrated.” The article is written by Christina Caron and posted in NY Times on June 27, 2024.  The article reminded me of the late Rev. Ralph Wolford of Cincinnati who at times lead our bible study class at the Montgomery Community Church. The author of the article rightfully asks “What is forgiveness” and quotes what others have said, such as, I quote:

Typically, forgiveness has been understood as “replacing ill will towards the offender with good will,” said Tyler J. VanderWeele, the director of the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science.

Some scholars, such as Robert Enright, have taken it a step further, saying that forgiveness is the choice to give goodness to those who have not been good to you. And although it may be undeserved, he once wrote, forgiveness can foster “qualities of compassion, generosity and even love” toward the person who wronged you.

Others, like Frederic Luskin, a researcher and the director of the Stanford University Forgiveness Project, view forgiveness as a path toward relinquishing revenge, hatred or grievance without the need for positive feelings — neutral ones are OK. The eventual goal, he said, is “to be at peace with your life.””

Forgiveness is not contemplated only by individuals against those who harmed them. Forgiveness is also contemplated at national level. I have the Armenian nation in mind. Turkey has never acknowledged that the Turkish state committed genocide against the Armenians during its recent history. The Armenian nation has aspired for the recognition, restitution and reparation of the the Armenian Genocide. But that has not happened. Often times, voices have been heard by some in the nation that as a Christian nation, Armenians should forgive the perpetrators of the Armenian genocide for the very reasons cited in the quote and have the descendants of the survivors, who make up a good part of the Armenian nation, move on with life. But I am also reminded of what Rev. Ralph Wolford said. 

I do not remember in what context it was when Rev. Ralph emphatically noted that there is no true forgiveness if there is no repentance. Over the years, situation permitting, I remain reminded and have thought what Rev. Ralph said. I find it to be true. I do not mean to negate what the esteemed individuals noted about forgiving. But after making a full circle, I always come to what Rev. Ralph said, that there is no true forgiveness if there is no repentance. 

But you may remind me that Jesus forgave on the cross those who harmed him. He said ““Father, forgive them; for THEY DO NOT KNOW what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). Often times those who harm us, know what they did and may continue doing if not by commission but by omission, having failed to acknowledge the wrong they did, and the harm they caused.

But the purpose of this blog is not about tackling the difficult subject of forgiveness. I simply wanted to capture the moment of having remembered Rev. Ralph Wolford who passed away the year we left Cincinnati and moved to a Worcester County suburb in Massachusetts. It was a pleasure to attend his and Floyd Hammond's animated and thoughtful bible study classes and to know Rev. Ralph in person and his wife Rosemary. We shared a hobby. He also was an avid fisherman. Befriending him also and being members of Montgomery Community Church, and the church’s “The Seekers” bible study class, whose members were  mostly older than us, was one of the high points of our stay in Cincinnati, a city I never envisioned that I will end up spending almost a quarter of century, from 1995 to 2018, let alone finding such a supporting group. By the time we left Cincinnati and moved to a Worcester County suburb in Massachusetts, most members of that bible study class had passed away, and the  rest moved and joined other bible study classes. Rev. Ralph passed away a few months before we left. I simply wanted to reproduce his obituary and remember him. As we say in Armenian:  May the memory of reverend Ralph never wither away Պատուելի Րալֆ-ին յիշատակը անթառամ մնայ։

His obituary in local newspaper read.

“Reverend Ralph F. Wolford, 93, of Cincinnati, Ohio passed away peacefully and went home to be in the arms of his Lord and Savior on February 22, 2018. He was born on September 29, 1924 in Wyandot County, Ohio to Chesley and Bertha (Winegardner) Wolford. Ralph is survived by his loving wife, Rosemary (McBride) Wolford, whom he married on June 10, 1945. They enjoyed 72 years together nurturing their loving family and serving God. Ralph never met a stranger and could not be found without a smile on his face. He impacted so many people through the years of his ministry in various churches in both Pennsylvania and Ohio. Ralph was preceded in death by his sisters and brothers-in-law Faye (Harold) Rickenbacher and Mildred (Gerald) Ulrich. In addition to his devoted wife, Ralph is survived by his loving children Joyce (Bob) Zimmerman, Dennis (Christine) Wolford, and Lori (Chris) Phillips. He is also survived by his dear grandchildren Beth Anne (Ryan) LeBeau, Ryan (Heidi) Zimmerman, Jeff (Jackie) Wolford, Tim (Rachel) Wolford, Melissa and Nicholas Phillips and precious great-grandchildren Landon and Kenedi LeBeau, Bailey, Joel, and Reese Zimmerman, and Alyssa, Kiersten, Luke, and Avery Wolford, several nieces and nephews and close family friend Jackie Phillips. Visitation will be held on Sunday March 4, 2018 from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Spring Grove Funeral Home, 4389 Spring Grove Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45223. A brief visitation will also be held on Monday March 5, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. until the funeral service begins at 11:00 a.m. at the Montgomery Community Church, 11251 Montgomery Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45249. The procession will immediately follow the service to the Washington Cemetery, 1741 Washington Ave. Washington Court House, Ohio 43160. Flowers may be sent to the funeral home or memorial donations can be made in Ralph's honor to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Cincinnati” (Published by Kentucky Enquirer on Feb. 25, 2018.)


Monday, July 1, 2024

Ashot Simonyan's response from Armenia to Harut's “obvious”

Vahe H Apelian

On June 25, 2024, Harout Sassounian’s posted the above picture on his Facebook page sarcastically commenting that the picture represented the “obvious”. Harut Sassounian writes a weekly comments from Los Angeles, California that are against the democratically elected government of Armenia, whenever Armenia is a theme of his column, which mostly is. He pens his columns with the same spirit he amply displayed by his sarcastic comment. His comment of the picture he posted, captured the very spirit of his views and his perception  that the citizens of Armenia are much like sheep led by a donkey. The Armenian Weekly  regularly presents his weekly column to its readers. 

Regrettably a few from Diaspora joined his sarcasm. I quote.

M. Tarakdjian artworks commented claiming that the picture “Exactly describes the situation.”

Victoria Majarian commented claiming the snap shote “Wow, describes the situation so vividly. No explanation needed.”

Vahan Lux commented that the picture represents “Pashinyan and followers”.

Rose Melkonian commented claiming the picture depicts the “Very obvious բթացած ուղեղներ – dull brains

Elyane Kazandjian  commented that claiming that it is just right – “ Chad djicht !”

Ashot Simonyan from Armenia has also commented noting the following: “Obvious”.  Obviously, this is Armenia, the village of Areni in Vayots Dzor, taken from the Areni winery. Obvious”! Obviously, it is the Yerevan-Goris highway. Every year, in the months of May-June, the herdsmen of the villages of the Ararat Valley drive the flock of sheep to the summer meadows of the Jermuk mountains. In September, they drive in the opposite direction and return it. “Obvious”. Obviously, there are still Armenians who have not gone to the USA, Europe, Russia and other rich countries and earn their living with such work. ”Obvious” Sorry

Ashot has cropped the picture and posted it on his Facebook page noting the following in capital letters: “ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIAN PEOPLE: DECADES THROUGH THE EYES OF PEOPLE LEADING THE DIASPORA ... “Obvious”. A FLOCK OF SHEEP A DONKEY WILL LEAD THEM AHEAD ... 

I cannot negate Ashot Simonyan’s claim. Yes, many Armenians in the Diaspora, which is on the verge of cultural oblivion, view the citizens of Armenia and Armenia much like Ashot Simonyan noted.

In Ashot's words, the PEOPLE LEADING THE DIASPORA from the comfort of their homes or in their air-conditioned offices in Beirut, Boston, Montreal, Los Angeles, have a thing or two to say about the government the citizens of Armenia democratically elected in a transparent, orderly election as to how it should run Armenia. The same then turn around claiming they lobby for Armenia while continuing to publicly attack its government for expanding its foreign policy westward to include the U.S. 

I wonder if the same PEOPLE LEADING THE DIASPORA  believe that their constituents and the officials of the United States government are oblivious to their contradiction and are seriously considering their lobbying when they acknowledge with a courteous response. 



Not on July 2, 1972 but on July 9, 1976

A memoir

Vahe H Apelian

One thousand nine hundred and seventy-two – 1972 - was a momentous year for me. I was a graduate student in the Bacteriology-Virology Department of the American University of Beirut, School of Medicine. A year before I had graduated from the school of pharmacy. It was a tumultuous year and hence the traditional commencement ceremony was not held in the athletic field, where it is customarily held. 

My years as pre-pharmacy and then as a pharmacy student in AUB were memorable as well, mostly thanks to the scholarship Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation granted me. The scholarship not only covered the tuition, but every semester left enough money to buy the textbooks, a shirt, a pair of pants and a pair of shoes from the upscale "Red Shoe" store. Unburdened from financial worries, and knowing that my schooling did not financially burden my parental family, I became involved both in student organizations and extracurricular activities. I was elected as the class representative to the school of pharmacy student board. I was also elected to chair arguably the oldest Armenian student association in the Diaspora, the A.R.F. Zavarian Student Association.

It was Dr. Garabed Garabedian, the chairman of the Bacteriology-Virology Department who had accepted me into the graduate program. Edward Barsoumian, was a former graduate student and had become an adjunct member of the faculty, told that me that Dr. Garabedian, during the faculty meeting, had made it known in no uncertain terms that I was to be the student who would be accepted into the graduate program that offered not only free education towards a masters in science degree, but also a stipend as a laboratory instructor. 

Dr. Garabed Garabedian with the graduate students, January, 1973

Dr. Garabed Garabedian was orphaned survivor of the Armenian genocide. He had started working in the department as a technician but also had pursued his education and getting up in the ranks and  after receiving his PhD degree from a university in the U.S., he had returned to assume the chair of the department he was a laboratory technician. He commanded much respect in the AUB medical community both as an academician and as a scientist. Engrossed in his work, he remained marginal at best in the Armenian community, if not totally uninvolved. But he took a particular liking of me and it was him that upon my completion of my masters in science degree, had me accepted for fellowship in Clinical Pathology program, a highly competitive program especially in the sectarian makeup of Lebanon. To this day I have kept the recommendation he gave when we departed ways and I was on my way to the U.S. as another immigrant. I quote, “I take distinct pleasure in giving him this letter of recommendation.  G. A. Garabedian, Ph.D., Professor and Chairman, Department of Bacteriology and Virology.”

And now, a year into my graduate study, he was giving me permission to take off with pay, to go to Portugal at the invitation of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to attend a summer long study at its science institute. Along with me were Arpi Darakjian, the sister of Nazareth Darakjian, M.D, the president of AMAA, Ara Hovanessian who earned a Ph.D. and charted an internationally reputable career as a research director in the Institute of Pasteur. I do not remember the names of the other two, other than the first name of one of them, Sirvart.

We were immersed in our tasks in the Institute for the five days of the week and had the weekends off to do sightseeing. During one of these weekends, I visited the westernmost point of Europe, a place called Capo Da Roca that overlooked the turbulent and seemingly endless Atlantic Ocean below. The place is said to symbolize the sea faring spirit of the Portuguese. At that moment I became reflective. In my small world I thought, I had come far, shouldered by my parents, many teachers in the Sourp Nshan school and then at the Armenian Evangelical College-High School,  Dr. Garabed Garabedian, and of course the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Dr. Garabedian was also a graduate of A.E.C. but one of the earliest graduates of the A.E.C. which is celebrating its centennial this year. 

With students at the Gulbenkian science institute

Students and Staff

 I purchased a certificate attesting my visit there. I still keep it as a cherished remembrance. It reads that on July 2, 1972, I was at Cabo da Roca-Portugal, the westernmost point in Europe "where the land ends and the sea begins" and where the spirit of faith and adventure reigns, which took the caravels of Portugal in search of new worlds for the world.” (note: a caravel is a small, fast Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship of the 15th–17th centuries)

Little did I envision that in a few years the world I knew would turn upside down. Not July 2, 1972 but on July 9, 1976, I would make my most westerly journey  when I ended up crossing the Atlantic Ocean on my way further west to the U.S. Civil war broke in Lebanon in 1975. The hotel my father ran was sacked and for a long time stood on the battle line between East and West Beirut. The work plans I had for setting up the most advanced medical diagnostic lab in Lebanon became an impossible dream in the city divided in itself along its sectarian make up. But, the education the Calouste Foundation had enabled me to receive qualified me for a preferential immigration visa. On July 9, 1976, I landed at the JFK Airport. The Egyptian Armenian Noubar Manougian family had sponsored me and was to receive me at the airport. But they were not there. Noubar had stayed in Hotel Lux on his way to the U.S. with his mother, and met his wife there, also from Egypt and also on her way to the U.S. They had forged a family friendship. But they were not there. My phone calls from the pay phone remained unanswered falsely letting me assume that they were on their way.  But the wait was getting long, too long.

Hours went by. I got hungry. I ordered a club sandwich. It was the first time that I ate a sandwich where the layered cold cuts were thicker than the bread that sandwiched it. A single slice of mortadella, with a slice of pickle in a half baguette bread, is what I was used to. It was also very, very expensive. But it was the wait that was getting agonizing and concerning. It turned out hey had left the country for a visit to Egypt and thus had not received my Western Union telegrams from Cyprus and then Athens. Communication from East Lebanon where we lived was impossible. It was a different era and communication was a challenge, especially from war torn Lebanon.  

Fortunately, my former pharmacy school classmate Movses Hovsepian had also sent me his phone number to contact him after getting to the U.S.  We were close friends. A year before, the day before his departure,  I had attended the family get together wishing him well. He was utterly surprised to hear me calling him instead from the airport. Fortunately, he and his wife had a last-minute change for the weekend. Instead of visiting relatives for overnight weekend stay, as they usually did, they were at home on that Friday evening. New in the country and with no GPS, it took him a few hours to get to the airport, having missed an exit or two on his way from New Jersey. With no cell phones to be in touch, it was another long agonizing wait and an excruciating long, long, long day.


 An altogether new life awaited me in the new world…………..


Memorable July dates - 2/4 - July 1, 1846

Vahe H Apelian

 This is the second installment of my “My memorable July dates” blog.  The dates I have in mind are July 1, 1846, July 2, 1972, July 4, 1776, and July 9, 1976. 

Today, July 1, 2024, the Armenian Evangelical community celebrates the 178th anniversary of its founding. It was founded on July 1, 1846. Missionary Rev. William Goodell was sent on behalf of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission. The largest and most effective missionary organization arguably in the history the U.S. He played a decisive role in the founding of the Armenian Evangelical community. 

I have attached quotes from his memoirs as to what his mission was and what he witnessed as the first account of the founding of the  Armenian Evangelical community.

Rev. William Goodell’s Mission:

 “When Mr. Goodell went to Constantinople, his mission was in the Armenians, who were descendants of the ancient inhabitants of Armenia. The nation embraced Christianity about the commencement of the fourth century; but, like all the Oriental churches, the Armenian had become exceedingly corrupt. It was almost wholly given up to superstitions and to idolatrous worship of saints, including Virgin Mary, pictures etc.  The Armenians hold to ……..and worship, the host: and worship  the host: and, indeed, hve adopted most of the errors of popery. Nearly half the days of the year are feast -days. Their feast-days are regarded more sacred than the Lord’s Day……” (p. 127)

The Frist Armenian Evangelical Church.

“The evangelical Armenians had, for a long time, met together for mutual counsel and comfort, but they had not separate ecclesiastical organization. Driven therefore, to the last extremity by persecution, they resolved to unite as a branch of the new catholic church of Christ; and with the advice of the missionaries, who prepared for them a platform or conditions, on the 1st July,1846, they entered in solemn covenant as the First Evangelical Church of Constantinople.  Of this event Mr. Goodell wrote: -

“This done! On the 1st inst.-an evangelical church was organized upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner-stone. It was a most interesting occasion. The meeting continued four hours and a half, and was one of great solemnity. Forty persons of whom three were women, voluntarily entered into covenant with God and with each other; and we, in the name of all the evangelical churches in Christendom, rose and formally recognized and acknowledged them as a true church of Christ. Then they chose by ballot a pastor and two deacons, together with three others, who are to hold office for the term of one year, and who with the pastor and deacons, form a standing committee or church session, for the examination of candidates, the bringing forward of cases of discipline, etc. To this church some thirty of forty more will probably be added by profession just as soon as time shall be found to examine and propound them.

I did not expect to live to see this day, but I have seen it and glad. ‘This is the day which the Lord hath made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it’.  When I removed to Constantinople fifteen years ago, I felt assured either that the day would come, or the Armenian Church as a body would be reformed; and I never had any anxiety as to the result. I always felt that we were engaged in a great and good work, so great and so good that I would without any impatience have labored on in the same was fifteen years longer, had it so please the great Head of the church.”  (p. 317)

The First Ordination

“The pastor-elect of the new church, Mr. Apisosoghom Khachadurian, an Armenian, was ordained on July 7, 1846, all the American missionaries and the Rev. Mr. Allan of the Free Church of Scotland, taking part in the services. Of this occasion Mr. Goodell wrote: - 

‘Although the ordination was kept secret on account of our strained accommodations, yet as many as one hundred and eighty or two hundred must have been present, filling every seat and every passage, and standing around the doors. Perfect stillness reigned during the whole, and the attention was profound and solemn. The hearts of the brethren seemed stirred up from their innermost depths. One said the whole place seemed full of angels of light; another, that his very flesh trembled for fear of the Lord and for the glory of His majesty, so sensible did he feel the divine presence.’

The evangelical Armenians who united in their organization adopted a paper containing the reasons which induced them to take this step. It was signed by the pastor, deacons, and committee of the church, and was address, “To the much respected and honored members of the American Board” and is as follows: - (p. 318).

The First Marriage

“The first marriage, according to the simple rites of the Protestant Armenian Church, was celebrated on the 4th of November 1947.  Hitherto all marriage ceremonies had been performed by the clergy of the old church; but now that the Protestants had a separate organization, they had no occasion to go back to the old ecclesiastics, nor could they obtain from them any official services. They were excommunicate. The bride, in the marriage alluded to, was a pupil of the Female Seminary of whom Mr. Goodell gives the following sketch: - ” ( p. 327)

Missionary Rev. William Goodell’s farewell address:

“When we first came among you, you were not a distinct people, nor did we expected you ever would be; for we had not sectarian object in view, it being no part of our plan to meddle with ecclesiastical affairs. Our sole desire was to preach Christ and Him crucified. Our object was precisely the same as that of the missionaries to that ancient church in Persia. The labors of those missionaries have produced no separation in that church; but they have been permitted to labor side by side with the bishops and priests, to preach in their houses of worship, to assist in supporting and superintending their schools, and to do much in every way to enlighten and elevate the whole community.” (p.441)


As to July 4, 1776, America declared its independence. The phrase is mostly known. But what is revolutionary is the concept of the unalienable right to pursue happiness. That surely was and still is revolutionary. (Link: http://vhapelian.blogspot.com/2024/07/memorable-july-dates-3-july-4-1776.html)



As to July 2, 1972 and July 9, 1976, they are personal. If interested I invite you to read the attached blog linked below. Not on July 2, 1972 but on July 9, 1976 I made my  was most westerly journey. Read link: Not on July 2, 1972 but on July 9, 1976 http://vhapelian.blogspot.com/2024/07/not-on-july-2-1972-but-on-july-9-1976.html


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Memorable July dates -1/4 - July -1: 1, 2, 4, and 9

Vahe H Apelian


July 1, 1846

July 2, 1972

July 4, 1776

July 9, 1976


On July 1, 1846 the Armenian Evangelical Church was established in Constantinople. Read Link http://vhapelian.blogspot.com/2024/07/memorable-july-dates-1-2-4-and-9.html


On July 4, 1776, America declared its independence. The phrase is mostly known. But what is revolutionary is the concept of the unalienable right to pursue happiness. That surely was and still is revolutionary. Read link: http://vhapelian.blogspot.com/2024/07/memorable-july-dates-3-july-4-1776.html


As to July 2, 1972 and July 9, 1976, they are personal. If interested I invite you to read the attached blog linked below. Not on July 2, 1972 but on July 9, 1976 I made my  most westerly journey. Read link: Not on July 2, 1972 but on July 9, 1976: http://vhapelian.blogspot.com/2024/07/memorable-july-dates-44-july-9-1976.html

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Memorial Day: Camp Lutherlyn, Camp Haiastan, and “Pumpkin Suni”

 A short while ago I read about renovations at Camp Haiastan and an acknowledgment to our son Daniel and daughter-inl-law Nicole's donation towards renovating the clinic. I was reminded of the attached article I had written to the Weekly, years back (2000/2001).

Remembering David on Memorial Day
Vahe H. Apelian

Reproduced from Armenian Weekly (2000).

Courtesy ArmenianWeely, June 27, 2024

BUTTLER, PA:  Driving our children to the annual AYF Junior Seminar in Camp Lutherlyn became an annual ritual in our family since we moved to Cincinnati in 1995. Camp Lutherlyn is located in Prospect, Pennsylvania, 325 miles or so from us. There is no AYF chapter in Cincinnati, which is why we took upon ourselves to drive our sons to the camp.
This was the last time that David, our youngest son would attend the seminar as a junior participant. He was placed in the grown-ups cabin, a situation that made us realize that a phase in our lives has now come to its end.  Butler, the town next to Prospect, had become our Memorial Day weekend gateway. My wife and I rummaged the local antique shops and the flea markets or fairs and enjoyed Pennsylvania outdoors as our children attended the seminar these past six years. 
Most parents have not visited Camp Lutherlyn and for good reason. The AYF chapters bus the children there, covering a distance which is not meant for the faint-hearted or for those who have not set their minds for making the long journey a memorable experience. Ours was no different. During the past years, we accumulated our share of experiences of missed exits, wrong routes, memorable lunch stops and familiar landmarks.
But none of these will ever come close to the way I related to the camp and to our son's experience there. It was on our way there, on the highlands of Pennsylvania, some five seminars back. It was to be David’s second attendance. I asked him if he remembers anything from the educational from the previous seminar. He said he remembered well what “Pumpkin” Suni and his friends did for the Armenian cause. David’s slip of toque was agonizingly evident and yet conspicuously innocent and it took me to my youthful days. Born in America and now growing up in the Mid-West, tonque twists of Armenian names or wrong connotation, is the least I would have been concerned.  I was sure that in time, he would learn the correct pronunciation of the name that had fired the imagination of countless children and youth, including mine.
My father enrolled me in the Papken Suni Badanegan (Youth) Mioutyun (Association) when I was David’s age. We held our meeting on Saturday afternoons in the old building of the Beirut Gomideh. At least once a year we held the same debate over whether Papken Suni and his friends served the Armenian cause by their deed, or whether it was a reckless act. We knew the outcome of the debate and few us ever volunteered to be in the team that negated the act. But at times we did since someone had to.
And now Papken Suni’s name had acquired a new twist with my American born son who was growing up trick or treating the neighbors on Halloween day with their overgrown pumpkins. But the spirit of the act had now caught his imagination too. The passage of the legacy of sorts had indeed taken place. 
For three days, during the long Memorial Day Weekend, Camp Lutherlyn becomes the microcosm of the best the Armenian community offers to its children. Arriving from different states of the East Coast, the kids get together to renew their friendship and relate to the past year’s camp experiences as if it had happened only yesterday. Soon they realize what was meant to be only yesterday is in fact 365 days old now. Nature has taken its course and they are now a year older. For all those parents who are not there to see, we bear witness of the joy of their children seeing each other and for being together for one more time and the all too evident sadness at the departure time after three memorable days. And yes, sadly, we will miss that too. Come next year we will not be there anymore.
For the past six years, we witnessed the dedicated work of the AYFers who organize the annual Junior Seminar. It’s a huge undertaking and is well organized by the AYF Seniors or Alumni who are now shouldering their own personal responsibilities. These dedicated young men and women devoted countless hours to make the Junior Seminar a memorable event for the few hundred kids who attend.
David is an AYF member-at-large and attends the seminar independently. However, right upon our arrival, he fits with the crowd. By now we know what to do. After we pull our car on the campground and see David saluting and hugging his fellow campers of past years, we head towards the main station and give David’s name. The attendant pulls a file bearing his name. In that file, we find the program, the layout of the camp, his assigned cabin and the names of the kids who will be with him in the cabin. A similar file is prepared for each and every camper.
Each cabin is given the name of a memorable ARFer. This year David’s cabin was called Mikaelian. The next cabin was named after Palabegh Garabed, the next one over, the inevitable Papken Suni. Along with the names, a brief biography of the person with a picture is also posted on the door of the cabin. On this Memorial Days weekend, past ARFers who also sacrificed, at times with their lives, are also remembered.  Each cabin has one or two councilors. Along with the educational, the dances, the three evenings in the cabins, the long drive to and from the camp, constitute the bulk of the experience for that year.
In August David will attend Camp Haiastan for the last time as a camper. Daniel, our elder son, is now a former camper, counselor, and lifeguard at Camp Haisastan. David may follow in his footsteps and may opt to become a councilor too in the future. However, their time as an impressionable youth has now come to pass.
On behalf of our family, I would like to thank all those who organized these seminars and the experiences both at Camp Lutherlyn and at Camp Haiastan. Unknowingly maybe, they opened a window for our children in ways that we, as parents, would not have been able to do by ourselves. And for all those who made these experiences possible and memorable for our sons, we remain ever grateful.