«Geh khntrvi Khatchatsevel – Կը Խնդրուի Խաչաձեւել» is the title of an unusual book by the late Simon Simonian. He fictionalized an event that allegedly took place in Beirut’s UNESCO Hall filled to capacity, where some of the Armenian historic figures, such as: Gregory the Illuminator, Catholicos Sahag Bartev, the legendary patriarch of the nation Haig, Dikran the Great, King Drtad and many others, came onto stage and said what they did and what would have happened had it been their way.
The slogan of the event, in classical Armenian, was the following: “There has not been a dusk that was not followed by a dawn”. The theme of the dignitaries’ discourses was tri fold: 1.What did we do for the Armenian people. 2. How is that the Armenian people survive and did not die off? 3. Why is it that the Armenian people will not die off?
This fictitious event was supervised by the current Armenian political parties, each having assigned a specific task. The Hnchagians were to ring the bell alerting the attendees to the succession of the appearances of these Armenian historical dignitaries on stage. The Tashnags were tasked to oversee the security of the event. The Ramgavars were tasked to maintain silence as the event progressed. The Communists were tasked to create commotion. The event supposedly took place on January 1, 1965, the year the 50th anniversary of the Armenian genocide was to be commemorated
From the get-go, the readers are alerted that this unusual event is a satirical Armenian history review. Customarily when organizers announced an upcoming event, they alerted the community not to hold another event that would overlap theirs. But this time around, the organizers were imploring to have this event overlapped, which made the title of the book "Please Overlap". After the appearance of the dignitaries on stage was concluded a dinner dance was held.
The book is 152 pages long and was published by Simon Simonian’s Sevan Publishing House in Beirut in 1965. The book retailed for 2.5 Lebanese Lira, or 3 Syrian pounds. For those who live abroad (aradasahman) the book retailed for a dollar.
It should be noted that ardasahman is a term Armenians in Armenia use for those who live outside Armenia. It also should be noted that Simon Simonian was a persona-non-grata in Soviet Armenia and his literary works and the bi-weekly “Spuyrk” he published were banned in Soviet Armenia. Consequently, Simon Simonian must have known that his book will not see the light of day in Soviet Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora outside Lebanon was abroad for him. Simon Simonian was a fiercely independent person and the only organization he belonged was the compatriotic union of the Sassountsi Armenians. His parental lineage was from Sassoun.
A quote in the book pertaining to Vartan Mamigonian prior to the famous Battle of Avarayr, bewildered me. It reads as follows: “On the Greek-Persian border, shortly before the Battle of Avarayr, Zoravar Vardan Mamikonian was stopped by Armenian border guards as he tried to cross to the Greek side with his entire family, his wife, his two brothers, Hmayak and Hamazasp, and their wives, sons and grad children and with all his blood relatives (nobles) and servants. Vartan Mamikonian declared at the border that he is crossing to the Greek section for the freedom of worship, and that his brother Hmayak was even willing to do begging (pp. 176-7). The border guards returned Vardan Mamikonian and his blood relatives to the Ayraradian plain and showed them the way to Avarayr. It is evident that Vartan was forcibly led to Avarayr, against his free will. They were ordered to rest all winter.” GHAZAR PARBETSI, a relative and friend of the Mamikonians. (Venice Press, pp. 174-185).”
Simon Simonian attributed the quote to the Armenian chronicler Ghazar Parbetsi and “authenticated” it by citing not only the author but also the pages of the book and its source. When I inquired about the authenticity of the quote, some friends claimed its completely ficticious. Sassoun, Simon Simonian’s claimed it is an authentic quote. Fortunately, two friends came to my rescue forwarding me a copy of the chronicle and Harout Topjian, who is educated in Cilician See, shared the following by putting it in context and noted that Vartan Mamigonian, angered by the disunity and discord among the Armenian wanted to pass to Armenia under the Hellenic rule. The Armenian nobles having heard from Vasak Sunni, who was the marzban (Persian appointed governor) of Armenia, Vartan Mamigonian’s intention and preparation to cross to Armenia under the Greek side sent a delegation headed by the priest Ghevont Yerets who assured him the Armenian nobles stood by the secret vow they took, while they pretended yielding to the Persian King Yezkert’s demands and accepting the Persian religion so that they could return to Armenia for the sake of their homes and families. The delegation implored him to return for they knew without Vartan Mamigonian’s leadership they will not be able to counter the eminent attack by the angered Persian king.
Vartan Mamigonian relented and returned noting to them he feared neither the enemy, nor the dreaded war. It is only because of the divided loyalties and disorderly deeds that he decided to move to Armenia on the Byzantine side with his family, brothers, their families and his courtiers and that he would return as long as the nobles promised to act in an orderly manner and remain united.
Thus began the preparation of the famous battle waged on the plains of Avarayr. The disunity and the discord among the Armenians appeared to have posed to doom the most famous Armenian battle, its contemporary chronicler Eghishé described in detail.
As to the Simonian’s quote, there is a kernel of truth in it, but surely he has changed the wording as the actual text by Ghazar Parbetsi indicates (next).
Note: Simon Simonian’s posted quote: “Յոյն-պարսկական սահմանին վրայ, Աւարարայրի ճակատամարտէն քիչ առաջ, Հայ սահմանապահերու կողմէ վար դրուեցաւ Ծօրավար Վարդան Մամիկոնեան, երբ կը փորձէր պարսկական բաժնէն յունական կողմը անցնիլ՝ իր ամբողջ ընտանիքին եւ տոհմին – կնկան, երկու եղաբայրներուն՝ Հմայակին եւ Համազասպի, անոնց կիներուն, զաւակներուն ու թռռներուն, իր բոլոր արիւնակից ազգականերուն (ազնուական) եւ ծառաներուն հետ։ Վարդան Մամիկոնեան սահմանին վրայ յայտարարեց թէ ոգիի ազատութեան համար կ՚անցի յոունական բաժինը, իսկ իր եղբայր Հմայեակ՝ նոյիսկ մուրացկանութիւն ընելու համար ( էջ 176-7)։ Սահմանապահերը Այրարատեան դաշտ վերադարձուձին Վարդան Մամիկոնեանն որ իր արիւնակիցները եւ անոնց ցոյց տուին Աւարարայրի ճամբան։ Յայտի է որ Վարդան բռ նութեամբ կ՚առաջնորդուի Աւարայր, իր ազատ կամքէն հակառակ։ Հրամայուեցաւ անոնց՝ ամբողջ ձմեռը հանտիստ ըմել։ՂԱԶԱՐ ՓԱՐՊԵՑԻ, Մամիկոնեաններու ազգական եւ բարեկամ պատմիչ։ (Տպ. Վենետիկ, էջ 174-185 ).
Dikran Gullekian
Hamprtsoum Antourian broke the news of the death of Dikran Gullekian noting: “With great regret I announce the death of a great friend DIKRAN GULLEKIAN (KELEKIAN), a the of 70 after a long illness. He left us quietly in the evening of December 30, 2023."
I befriended Dikran on Facebook. He was born and raised in Lebanon. The whirlwinds of life had taken him to Beijing, China where he made a living catering middle-eastern food and had become a good ambassador to all things in Armenian. He was divorced after having married locally. He often posted about food and about pets. He appeared to be an animal lover.
ON December 10, 2019, Suzanne Ajamian, on behalf the Armenian community in China (CHINA-HAY) posted that “Dikran Gullekian, an Armenian residing in Beijing and fighting for his December 9, our friend Dikran Gullekian – much loved for his kind heart and delicious hummus – suffered a stroke requiring immediate heart surgery to save his life. Together the Beijing community raised a miraculous Y250,000 for doctors to successfully operate on Monday night. Dikran is now stable in the ICU and faces a long road for recovery.
It was around that time that I befriended him on Facebook. He seemed to get by doing what he did, middle eastern cuisine and attended to pets. He had posted a picture of Vartan Mamikonian he had someone draw for him. I had asked him to have a picture of the painting forward to me. He did and I posted it in my blog and reposted it here next to a picture of his. He left the painting behind in Beijing, China, when he moved to Montreal, Canada where he had relatives and friends. He passed away, on December 30, 2023, as posted.
I attached some of the comments on his Facebook page.
“He is one friend I miss a lot, he was my 5th friend on FB. Humorous, kind, respectful & very considerate. I pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort us all.... in Jesus Name. (Nora Matossian)
“RIP my friend. will miss our talk around food and Spice”. (Bedros Bedros)
“Just learnt the passing of Dikran, RIP “Laogu. (Zhen Gupo)
“Rest in Eternal Peace dear Dikran my Facebook friend, although I never met you but you were a part of my daily visit to Facebook” (Armineh Արմինէ Khachadourian)
“老友老顧Dikran Gullekian於加拿大時間2023/12/30過世
享壽70歲 RIP” Leo Liu